Policy and Procedures » 108 Credit Card

Credit Card Policy

Credit card accounts require council approval and are only for the official business of the town.

There is only one type of credit card account: (1) general (e.g., VISA, MasterCard, etc.)

Credit cards must be placed under strict control and be available for use in limited cases as set forth by the council.  Credit cards are not to be used for routine or recurring purchases or purchases that are subject to the requirements of the Louisiana Public Bid Law.

Applying for a Credit Card

  • The card must be issued in the town’s name using the town’s tax identification number
  • The credit card must not allow cash advances to be made.


  • The town clerk is to maintain a listing of all credit cards, including the card numbers, and the telephone numbers of the credit card companies.
  • The clerk is responsible for securing credit cards under lock.
  • Employees must immediately notify the clerk if a credit card is missing (lost or stolen). The clerk is responsible for notifying the mayor and immediately canceling the card.  If a card is stolen, the mayor or clerk is to notify law enforcement.


  • The issuance of a credit card must be authorized by a department head or the mayor and be documented in writing.
  • The clerk is to maintain a written log for each credit card to account for the “check-out” and return of credit cards. The log will contain the (1) business purpose for using the card ; (2) the purchase order number; (3) the department head’s or the mayor’s signature approving the issuance of the card; (4) dates and times of issue and return; and (5) signatures of both the clerk and the employee upon issuance and return of the card.
