Water System Improvement

Village of Harrisonburg – Enterprise Water Consolidation Project

Financing for the Harrisonburg Water System Improvement Plan has been been made possible with funding from LCDBG, EPA/LCDBG and the $200,000 water bond recently approved through Catahoula Bank to the Village of Harrisonburg.

Harrisonburg has also applied for approximately $2,680,000 through the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund. These funds would be used to physically connect Harrisonburg and Enterprise systems, cover the legal transfer of Enterprise system to Harrisonburg’s, and other associated activities.

The Enterprise Water System will be entirely absorbed by the Harrisonburg Water System . The customers picked up as part of this consolidation project will not be kept separate and will not be treated as their own water system.

Enterprise has experienced water problems for several years. The elevated tank needs repair, cleaning, and painting. The water wells need to be replaced.

A new water well will be installed to increase the water capacity of the Harrisonburg system, which is included and funded by LCDBG. A raw water transmission line will need to be installed. A ground storage tank will be replaced and the older hydro pneumatic tank will be removed and replaced with newer pumps large enough to supply Enterprise system as well as the customers of the Harrisonburg system.

A master meter will be installed near the tie in to Enterprise along with radio read meters for the Village and Enterprise customers funded by EPA/LCDBG funds.

At completion of the project, one water system will supply both Harrisonburg and Enterprise. Harrisonburg will have more than enough capacity to provide water for the customers of both communities.
