ENTERING INTO AGREEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH ADMINISTRATION AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE LCDBG – CV PROGRAM WHEREAS,the Village of Harrisonburg desires to submit a Louisiana Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus (“LCDBG-CV”) Love Louisiana Outdoors application for funding (the “Application”); and, WHEREAS, the Village intends to use local funds to pay for administrative costs including pre-agreement costs, administrative consultant fees, and any other administrative costs incurredContinue Reading

ADOPTING LCDBG-CV PROCUREMENT POLICY WHEREAS, the Village of Harrisonburg has been afforded the opportunity to apply and participate in the State of Louisiana Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (LCDBG-CV) Program administered by the Louisiana Office of Community Development-Local Government Assistance; and, WHEREAS the State of Louisiana requires the establishment of uniform procedures in compliance with OMB Circular A-102; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the VillageContinue Reading

WHEREAS, the Village of Harrisonburg has been afforded the opportunity to apply and participate in the State of Louisiana Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus (LCDBG-CV) Program administered by the Division of Administration; and, WHEREAS, the State of Louisiana requires Grantees to establish procedures to ensure adequate citizen participation with the LCDBG-CV program; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village of Harrisonburg, that theContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, December 13th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotton. Arthurine Watson There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Cotten, seconded by Council MemberContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, November 8th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotton. Arthurine Watson There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council MemberContinue Reading