The Mayor called a Public Hearing at 5:40 p.m. to allow comments and obtain views on amending ORDINANCE NO. 20210614:  AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS AND PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS.  With no comments or concerns being brought forward, Council member Terry, made a motion, seconded by Council Member Watson, with all in favor to adjourn. The Mayor called a Public Hearing atContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in an emergency meeting on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Arthurine Watson, Judy Cotton There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. Mayor Tubre explained the importance of repairing the well inContinue Reading

REGULAR TOWN MEETING 20210510 The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, May 10th, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Arthurine Watson, Judy Cotton There being a quorum present, the Mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Cotten,Continue Reading

REGULAR TOWN MEETING 20210412 The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, April 12, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Arthurine Watson , Judy Cotten There being a quorum present, the Mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council MemberContinue Reading

REGULAR TOWN MEETING 20210308 The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, March 08, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Patricia Hefner    There being a quorum present, the Mayor called the meeting to order. On a motionContinue Reading