The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, May 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotten, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Patricia Hefner, Town Attorney: Joey Boothe, Police Officer: Skylar Dore, Superintendent: Willie Fair, Fire Chief Kevin Hackney There beingContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, April 8, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotten, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Patricia Hefner, Town Attorney: Joey Boothe, Police Officer: Larae Ganey, Superintendent: Willie Fair and Betty Gauthier with the VillageContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotten, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Patricia Hefner, Town Attorney: Joey Boothe, Police Chief: Lyndell Atkins Superintendent: Willie Fair There being a quorum present, theContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, March 11, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Patricia Hefner, Superintendent: Willie Fair There being a quorum present, the Mayor called the meeting to order. Public hearing to hearContinue Reading

The Mayor and Town Council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in special Session on Tuesday, February 19, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present: Mayor: Michael Tubre, Aldermen: Greg Terry, Judy Cotten, Arthurine Watson   Also Present: Town Clerk: Stephanie Book, Town Attorney: Joey Boothe There being a quorum present, the Mayor called the meeting to order. OnContinue Reading