The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Session on Monday, May 8th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Council members: Greg Terry and Judy Cotten. There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Cotten, seconded by Council Member Terry,Continue Reading

20230424 HARRISONBURG SPECIAL TOWN MEETING The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in special session on Monday, April 24th, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Council members: Greg Terry, Blake Barbo and Judy Cotten. There being a quorum present, the mayor called the special meeting to order. Council member BarboContinue Reading

20230410 HARRISONBURG TOWN MEETING The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Session on Monday, April 10th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Council members: Greg Terry and Judy Cotten. There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Cotten, secondedContinue Reading

20230321 HARRISONBURG SPECIAL MEETING The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Session on Wednesday, March 22th, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Judy Cotten and Blake Barbo. There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order. On a motion by Council Member Cotten, seconded by CouncilContinue Reading

MWPP RESOLUTION20230313 Resolved that the Village of Harrisonburg informs the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality that the following actions were taken by Town Councilmembers: A. To continue being good environmental stewards by maintaining our wastewater treatment plant and continuing required analytical analysis in accordance with our current LDEQ permit, including monthly monitoring of influent CBOD. This resolution having been submitted to a vote; the voteContinue Reading