BECOMING A VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERIf you’re ready to serve your community in an impactful and meaningful way, you have just about everything you need to get started. When it comes down to it, volunteering with a fire department is all about having the heart and drive to make a difference where it’s needed most. Download the Roster Form and turn the form in to theContinue Reading

Phase 1 of Vision and Action Plan

(Phase 1 of Harrisonburg Vision and Action Plan / Steamboat Park) The Village of Harrisonburg announces a Public Review & Comment Period for Steamboat Park. The Village has applied for $300,000 of Federal assistance from the Land and Water Conservation Fund Program (LWCF) to develop a community park. The Village requests all interested persons and organizations to review and provide comments concerning the Cultural Resources SurveyContinue Reading

211 Assistance Now Available to Help with Self-Reporting Damage Survey following Winter Weather Event BATON ROUGE (February 24, 2021) – The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness continues to request information from anyone who received damage due to the winter weather event last week. It is important to all of the agencies responsible for recovery to gather this information as quickly as possible.Continue Reading

The Harrisonburg Fire Department is currently seeking civic-minded citizens to become volunteer firefighters throughout town and ward 4. The Fire Department is seeking volunteers of all skill levels and abilities, people willing and able to respond to emergencies whenever called upon. The Fire Department will provide all the necessary training and certification courses to become a part of the team. The skills and experience gainedContinue Reading

The Village of Harrisonburg has been awarded $1 million from the Louisiana Office of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program to finance a water system merger with Enterprise. The CDBG award is the first funding appropriated for the merging of the two systems. The funding will be used for installation of a new water tank, construction of a new water well and all new metersContinue Reading