The Board of Alderman of the Village of Harrisonburg will conduct public hearings at 6:00 p.m. Monday, July 10, 2023, at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall, 108 Sicily Street, to receive comments on the following Ordinances:Ordinance#20230626: KratomBanning the sale of Mitragyna Speciosa Korth (Kratom)Ordinance #20230612: Town Clerk Duties and Salary.    Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed ordinances are asked to appear at theContinue Reading

20230424 HARRISONBURG SPECIAL TOWN MEETING The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in special session on Monday, April 24th, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall. Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Council members: Greg Terry, Blake Barbo and Judy Cotten. There being a quorum present, the mayor called the special meeting to order. Council member BarboContinue Reading

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BALLFIELD WHEREAS, The Village of Harrisonburg desires to promote recreational activities within the community; and WHEREAS,Harrisonburg Sports Association, LLC wishes to construct a universal ballfield at the Harrisonburg Walking Trail for use by the community for games, practices and as otherwise needed; and WHEREAS, the costs of construction of the ballfield shall be borne by, White’s T &Continue Reading

Phase 1 of Vision and Action Plan

Project No.: FY 2021 LCDBG-CV LLO Program #2000705192 Village of Harrisonburg Island (herein referred to as the “Owner”) Sealed bids marked “Sealed Bid” – Village of Harrisonburg, Louisiana, Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus (LCDBG-CV) project for Fiscal Year 2021 to be financed by the State of Louisiana CDBG Program will be received by the Owner for the construction of the project described as follows:Continue Reading