20220711 MEETING


The mayor and town council of the Village of Harrisonburg met in Regular Session on Monday, July 11th, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Harrisonburg Town Hall.

Council Members Present:  Mayor Michael Tubre, Council members: Greg Terry, Judy Cotten, and Arthurine Watson

There being a quorum present, the mayor called the meeting to order.

On a motion by Council Member Cotten, seconded by Council Member Watson, with all in favor, the Council approved June meeting minutes.

On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council Member Cotten, with all in favor, the Council approved June Account Transfers, Disbursements and Budget Reports.

On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council Member Watson, with all in favor, the Council voted to accept James Johnson’s resignation letter and appoint Lee Mizell as Fire Chief.

On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council Member Watson, with all in favor, the Council voted to award the natural gas engineering services contract to Meyer, Meyer, Lacroix and Hixson for the DOT – PHMSA program, and authorize the mayor to execute the contract.

On a motion by Council Member Cotten, seconded by Council Member Watson, with all in favor, the Council authorized the submittal of the DOT-PHMSA Program, and authorized the mayor to execute all necessary documents associated with the program.

On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council Member Cotten, with all in favor, the Council voted to adopt DOTD Resolution accepting ownership of certain right of way segments within the city limits and conditions described within.

A discussion was held concerning the town’s overflowing trash dumpster.  Many out-of-town residents are dumping their garbage in the Harrisonburg’s Residents Only Dumpster, causing the overflow of garbage within a day of having the dumpster emptied. The council agreed to remove the dumpster while reviewing local littering ordinances and considering possible solutions to allow the village residents the use of a town dumpster.

On a motion by Council Member Terry, seconded by Council Member Cotten, with all in favor, the Council adjourned the meeting.

       /s/ Patricia Hefner                                                                              /s/ Michael Tubre      

           Town Clerk                                                                                               Mayor
