PROCEEDINGS OF A PUBLIC HEARING OF THE Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Village of Harrisonburg, State of Louisiana, HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2021.
A public hearing was held by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Village of Harrisonburg, State of Louisiana (the “Governing Authority”), at its regular meeting place, the Town Hall, 108 Sicily Street, Harrisonburg, Louisiana, on Monday, February 8, 2021, at six o’clock (6:00) p.m.
There were present: Council Members: Greg Terry, Judy Cotton, and Arthurine Watson
There were absent: 0
Said Governing Authority was duly convened as the governing authority of the Village of Harrisonburg, State of Louisiana (the “Village”) by Michael Tubre, Mayor who then stated that the Governing Authority was ready for the transaction of business.
It was then announced that this Governing Authority would discuss, answer questions and hear any objections pertaining to the proposed issuance of not exceeding Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) of its Water Revenue Bonds, in one or more series (the “Bonds”), in the name of the Village, the proceeds of which will be used to pay a portion of the costs of constructing and acquiring improvements, extensions, renovations and replacements to the waterworks system of the Issuer, including appurtenant equipment, fixtures and accessories, both personal and real, a work of public improvement for the Village (the “Project”), said Bonds to mature over a period not exceeding ten (10) years from their date of issuance, and to bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding five percent (5%) per annum, pursuant to the authority of R.S. 39:524 and the other applicable provisions of Part II of Chapter 4 of Subtitle II of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority (the “Act”), and a Notice of Intention to issue such Bonds, dated January 11, 2021, andpublished on January 13, January 20, January 27 and February 3, 2021, in the “Catahoula News Booster,” a weekly newspaper of general circulation in the Village. The proposed Bonds were then generally described and the nature of the security therefor was explained. After this explanation, the Mayor stated that the Governing Authority would proceed in open and public session to discuss, answer questions and hear any and all objections to the issuance of the Bonds. He then he called for questions, objections and/or petitions from any interested parties at the meeting and from members of the Governing Authority. He also asked for any petitions or written objections filed with the Village requesting that an election be held to authorize the issuance of the Bonds or otherwise objecting to the Bonds.
There was no one present who either offered any objections to the proposed issuance of the Bonds without an election being held thereon or presented a petition requesting such an election, and no petitions requesting such an election nor objections to the proposed issue of Bonds had been filed with the Village prior to the public hearing.
There being no further questions or discussion, the Mayor moved and was seconded and unanimously adopted that the public hearing be closed.